A Graceful Start: Navigating the New Year with Purpose bite size goals christian women declutter goal setting new year Jan 05, 2024

Dear Sisters in Christ,

As we stand on the threshold of a new year, I am reminded of the timeless wisdom found in Ecclesiastes 3:1 (KJV): "To every thing there is a season, and a time to every...

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Running with Faith: Finish Strong hope for future hope in christ i can do hard things perseverance run the race Jan 02, 2024

Dear Warrior Sisters in Christ,

I want to share a story of determination with you, one that I hope will inspire and encourage you on your own journey of faith. It's a story of a mile run in junior...

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Continually Seeking Christ Year Round christmas following inspiration jesus christ seek jesus Dec 26, 2023

Dear Warriors of Light,

Christmas has come and gone, and the decorations are slowly being packed away. Now, we face the question of how to keep the spirit of Christ alive in our hearts as we move...

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Finding Christmas Peace, Joy, and Love in Life's Storms with Christ christmas faith in christ faith journey grace seeking unity sisters in christ uncertainty Dec 23, 2023

Hey Beautiful Sisters in Christ,

Can you feel it? The Christmas spirit is in the air, and I believe there's a special message just for you in this season of miracles and joy.

Life can throw some...

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Seeking Peace Amid the Christmas Rush christmas comfort in chaos hope peace and quiet peace in christ Dec 19, 2023

My Dearest Warriors of Light,

Amidst the hustle and bustle of this holiday season, I find myself yearning for moments of quiet reflection. Can you relate? As the world rushes around me, I pause to...

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Finding Hope in the Christmas Star christmas faith in christ miracles symbols of christmas trust god Dec 12, 2023

Dear Sisters in the Faith,

As Christmas approaches, my heart turns to the miraculous story of the star of Bethlehem. It reminds me of the extraordinary events that transpired on the day Christ was...

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The Gift of Love: Finding True Readiness for Christmas christmas gift of love god's love jesus christ love seek jesus Dec 05, 2023

Dear Beloved Sisters in Christ,

As the joyous season of Christmas approaches, I want to share a thought that might bring peace to your hearts. It's easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of...

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Sow Faith, Reap Blessings: A Gardener's Perspective faith in christ gardening god's love planting and harvesting self-worth Nov 28, 2023

Dear Fellow Gardeners of Faith,

The verse "plow in hope" (1 Corinthians 9:10) has become a guiding principle in my life as an avid gardener. Just like the tiny seeds I plant in my...

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Hope: Our Anchor in the Storms of Life anchor faith in christ hope in christ inspiration Nov 21, 2023

Dear Sister Warriors,

I hope this message finds you well and filled with the hope that is found in Christ.

I recently revisited a beautiful verse from the Bible that brought me a profound sense of...

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To Be In the Presence of Jesus faith healing hope jesus christ Nov 07, 2023

My Dearest Sisters in Christ,

As I sit here today, I find myself pondering a question that perhaps you, too, have asked in the quiet moments of your life: If Jesus were to walk through the...

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Armor of God: The Helmet of Salvation battle strategies helmet of salvation spiritual armor women warriors Nov 01, 2023

My Dearest Warrior of Light,

I want to share a beautiful revelation with you today, one that has etched itself deeply into my heart. It's about the notion of putting on the whole armor of God,...

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Navigating Depression: A Message of Hope depression holiday blues hope for future mental health Oct 30, 2023

Dear Warrior of Light,

The changing seasons usher in October, which brings National Depression and Mental Health Screening Month. As we step into winter and prepare for the holiday festivities,...

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