Discovering Peace Amid Chaos: A Lesson from My Daughter answer to prayer peace power in prayer Mar 13, 2020

My Dearest Sisters in Christ,

I want to share a story that touched my heart, a story that speaks of faith, love, and the comforting presence of God in times of turmoil. In the midst of the chaos...

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Angels on my Darkest Night: God's Comforting Presence angels answer to prayer autism dark nights hard times parenting special needs Mar 12, 2020

Dear Sisters in Christ,

I want to share a story with you, a story of a night when I felt like my world was falling apart, and the only question on my lips was, "God, where are you?" It was a night...

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Discovering Your True Beauty: Putting Ugly in its Place don't compare hope for future self-love self-worth Feb 24, 2020

Dear Beloved Warriors of Light,

I pray this letter finds you enveloped in the grace and love of our Savior. Today, I want to share with you a timeless tale that has traversed 175 years, a...

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Embracing Our Unique Missions with Faith and Love don't compare life lessons life missions Aug 14, 2019

Dear Sisters in Christ,

I want to share a heartfelt story with you, a story that touched my soul deeply and reminded me of the precious truths that guide our journey as Christian Women Warriors of...

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Lessons of Faith and Hope: Overcoming Opioid Addiction agency life lessons not alone opioid addiction trust god Jul 19, 2019

Dear Sisters in Christ,

I want to share with you an inspiring story, filled with faith, hope, and the strength to overcome addiction. This story comes from the heart of a Christian woman warrior of...

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Life Lessons from Richard Paul Evans authenticity kindness life lessons mentor May 20, 2019

Dear Radiant Women of Light,

I come before you with a story of transformation, sparked by the wisdom and grace of a man I now call a dear friend and mentor, Richard Paul Evans. Just a few years...

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Bowling Over Barriers: A Story of Kindness autism autism and church May 03, 2019

My Dearest Sisters in Christ,

In 2012, I witnessed a beautiful act of kindness that I must share with you. Our local Boy Scout Troop in Texas extended an invitation to our son,...

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Nurturing Joy: Non-Electronic Activities for Autism Families autism non-electronic ideas autism parenting special needs tips for autism and church Apr 24, 2019

My Beloved Families,

I come to you with a heart full of love and understanding, as we walk the extraordinary path of parenting children on the autism spectrum. Each day, we face unique challenges,...

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Unveiling 'Normal for Me': From Grief to Peace autism autism book normal for me parenting special needs Apr 16, 2019

Dear Beloved Warriors of Light,

I am thrilled to unveil the trailer for my latest book, "Normal for Me." This journey began when two of my precious sons were diagnosed with autism, and I want to...

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Remembering with Purpose: A Path to Healing not alone purpose in pain remembering Mar 09, 2019

My Dearest Sisters in Christ,

I come before you with a heart full of gratitude and vulnerability as I embark on this journey through the pages of "Normal for Me," the book I am launching in April....

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Loving God, Loving Yourself: A Message for Warrior Women bible verse love love god self-love Feb 14, 2019

Dear Beloved Sisters in Christ,

I hope this letter finds each of you embraced by the warmth of God's love. I've had a revelation I'd like to share, one that has reshaped my understanding of loving...

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Miraculous Healing: A Testimony of Faith accident faith gratitude healing power in prayer Feb 11, 2019

Dear Sisters in Christ,

I pray this letter finds you well, wrapped in the comforting embrace of our Savior, Jesus Christ. Today, I want to share a story with you, one that celebrates life, faith,...

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