Hope, Faith, and Resilience in 2021 covid determination hope for future jesus christ new year Jan 06, 2021

Dear Sisters in Christ,

May the peace and grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you today and always. As we embark on this new year of 2021, I have a special gift that I want to share with you, my...

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Christmas Blessings: Finding Hope Amid Challenges christmas covid healing hope in christ jesus christ miracles Dec 23, 2020

My Dearest Warriors of Light,

Merry Christmas to you, my precious friends!

I come to you today with a heart full of gratitude, despite the unexpected challenges life has thrown my way this month....

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Choosing Joy in Solitude: A Message of Hope covid finding joy gratitude we need each other Dec 09, 2020

My Beloved Sisters in the Light,

December has graced us with its presence, and as I sit here writing to you, I find myself in an unusual situation. I'm in my room, all alone, quarantined from my...

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Gratitude Stories: Triumph Over Trials gratitude hope in hard times overcoming fear Nov 25, 2020

My Dearest Warriors of Light,

I want to begin this letter with a heart overflowing with gratitude for each one of you. Your presence in my life, your willingness to connect with me, and your shared...

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Inspiration, Hope, and Gratitude: New Beginnings gratitude improvement tips for hard times Nov 11, 2020

My Dearest Sisters in the Light,

As I write to you, the air here in Utah has taken on the chill of winter, with the first snowfall gracing our land. November holds a special place in my heart, for...

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Nurturing Dreams: Embracing Change with Faith change dreams life lessons Oct 14, 2020

Dear Beloved Friend in the Light,

As we journey through the ever-changing landscape of 2020, I can't help but wonder, have you managed to reach your goals and dreams for this year? Or have the...

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Embracing Authenticity: Finding Strength in Vulnerability authenticity self-care self-love self-worth vulerable Sep 30, 2020

My Beloved Sisters in the Light,

I come to you today with a heart that has been through a storm. Last week, the weight of the world, the stress of the Coronavirus, and the challenges of juggling my...

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Bearing Brokenness: Finding Strength exhaustion feeling broken self-care Sep 22, 2020

My Dearest Sisters in Christ,

As I sit here in my pajamas, the clock reads 2:31 pm, and I feel broken. Yes, broken. There are moments in our lives when the weight of our responsibilities and the...

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Finding Strength Amid Change: A Message of Hope change exhaustion near-death experience Sep 16, 2020

Dear Sisters in Christ,

As the leaves change and the winds of fall whisper through the trees, I was hoping for a sense of normalcy to return to our lives with our children back in school. Yet, it...

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2 Tips to Faithful Coping in Quarantine connect to god coping with hardship covid quarantine self-care stress relievers tips for hard times Apr 16, 2020

Dear Sisters in Christ,

I hope this letter finds you well and filled with the grace of our Lord. In these trying times of the Coronavirus, I find myself echoing the sentiments of many. The world...

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150 Boredom Buster Family Activities activities for children boredom buster activities family fun Mar 28, 2020

My Dearest Sisters in Christ,

Greetings to you, brave warriors of light, in this extraordinary and challenging time. I trust this letter finds you well, your faith unwavering, and your hearts full...

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Unwavering Faith: Matt Bowen's Inspirational Journey courage faith over fear hope in hard times strength Mar 16, 2020

Dear Christian Women Warriors of Light,

I pray this letter finds you well, filled with the grace and love of our Savior. Today, I want to share with you a story that epitomizes strength,...

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