4 Tips to Move from Grief to Peace Amidst Life's Struggles anger grief peace sorrow stress relief support network Jan 23, 2019

Dear Christian Women Warriors of Light,

I want to take a moment to share parts of my journal entry from a challenging period in my life, about a decade ago, which I called my "day from hell." At...

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Three Life-Altering Lessons for Christian Women answer to prayer journey of faith personal story true faith trust god Jan 22, 2019

My Dearest Sisters in Faith,

As we walk this intricate path of life, I am compelled to share with you three profound lessons that have been etched into the tapestry of my journey. These revelations...

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Caleb's Courage: 6 Principles for Setting and Achieving Goals bible story goal setting Dec 30, 2018

Dear Christian Women Warriors of Light,

Can you believe the new year is upon us? It feels like just yesterday that I was sitting in my journal, drawing a picture of my goals in October. I want to...

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Wisdom of the Wise Men: Lessons for Seekers bible story christmas christmas story seek jesus Dec 23, 2018

Dear Beloved Warriors of Light,

As the holiday season approaches, my heart swells with joy and anticipation. There is something enchanting about this time of year that fills me with warmth and...

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6 Lessons from Angels and Shepherds at Christmas bible story christmas christmas story jesus christ seek jesus Dec 18, 2018

My Dearest Sisters in Christ,

In the midst of the holiday season, I find myself reminiscing about cherished traditions, one of which holds a special place in my heart - singing. From as far back as...

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Emulating Mary the Mother of Jesus: Lessons in Faith & Humility bible story bible women story christmas mary mother of jesus nothing impossible with god Dec 10, 2018

Dear Christian Women Warriors of Light,

I hope you're well and feeling the spirit of the holiday season. As I reflect on this time of year, I'm reminded of a cherished family tradition from my...

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Two People Can Achieve Anything: Embrace God's Yoke faith god's help nothing is impossible yoked to christ yoked to god Dec 06, 2018

Dear Sisters in Christ,

I want to share a precious truth with you today—one that has been my guiding light through life's turbulent waters. It's a lesson rooted in one of my favorite Bible...

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Discovering Gratitude in Challenging Times god's mercy gratitude thanksgiving Nov 29, 2018

My Dearest Sisters in Christ,

As we approach this season of Thanksgiving, I am reminded of a beautiful tradition that my family has upheld for many years, one that stems from my kindergarten days...

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Top 10 Worries of Parents Raising Children with Autism autism special needs parenting Apr 19, 2018

By Tamara K. Anderson

As we embrace Autism Awareness month during April (and honor those who deal with the blessings and challenges of autism throughout the year), let's delve into the...

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7 Tips to Help Parents of Tantruming Children with Autism autism kindness parenting special needs Apr 19, 2018

Dear Fellow Warriors of Light,

In the spirit of Autism Awareness Month, I'd like to share some insights into what it means to stand by a parent of a tantruming autistic child. Having walked this...

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Yoking Ourselves to the Savior: Finding Strength in Burdens autism heavy burdens yoked to christ Mar 15, 2018

Dear Sisters in Christ,

In a world filled with challenges and battles, our faith is our greatest source of strength. As Christian Women Warriors of Light, we face unique struggles, but through...

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Empowered Resolutions: Embracing God's Guidance for Your Goals following inspiration goal setting new years resolutions Jan 17, 2018

Dear Sisters in Christ,

As Christian Women Warriors of Light, we are no strangers to setting New Year's resolutions only to see them fade away by the end of the year. I, too, have been in that...

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