Battling Stigma: Let's Talk About Mental Health battle strategies change kindness mental health self-care wellness May 26, 2023

My Dear Friends in Christ,

As we step into the embrace of National Mental Health Awareness Month, the world is abuzz with discussions about mental health, and the resounding message is clear:...

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Embracing Self-Care: A Message for Christian Women christian women faith self-care self-love May 24, 2023

Dear Beloved Sisters in Christ,

I have a message for you, and it's a message I've had to learn the hard way. Self-care is not selfish. Repeat it with me: "Self-care is not selfish."

As Christian...

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6 Biblical Tips for Mental Health bible tips mental health peace in nature physical health self-care May 22, 2023

Dear Sisters in Christ,

I pray this letter finds you wrapped in God's love and grace. Today, I want to share some valuable insights to help you on your journey of self-care and mental well-being....

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Empowering Women: Strength Training Over 40 (or younger) exercise fitness physical fitness strength training May 19, 2023

Dear Warrior of Light,

I hope this letter finds you well. Today, I want to share a personal journey with you, one that involves strength, perseverance, and a touch of Kung Fu Panda wisdom.

For the...

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Conquering Fear with Faith: A Message of Courage bible story bible verse faith over fear fear overcoming fear overcoming struggles May 17, 2023

Dearest Warriors of Light,

I come to you today with a heart full of empathy, for I have grappled with fear in the depths of my own soul. It is a universal human experience, isn't it? That gripping...

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Embracing God's Wisdom for Mental Health christian women counting blessings don't compare inspiration kindness mental health May 09, 2023

My Dear Sister-Warriors,

Let me share a story with you that touched my heart deeply. A few years ago, I had the privilege of interviewing a remarkable woman on a podcast. She carried...

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Lessons in Patience and Gratitude Amid Illness bible verse faith health mental health physical challenges resilience May 03, 2023

My Dearest Warrior of Light,

I hope this message finds you wrapped in the warm embrace of God's love. It's been a challenging couple of weeks for me as I've battled a relentless bout of sickness. I...

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Blossoming Hope: Embrace Spring's Renewal hope hope for future hope in christ hope in hard times Apr 28, 2023

Dear Warriors of Light,

As we embrace the National Month of Hope this April, I am reminded of the beautiful symbolism that Spring brings. The world awakens from its slumber, and the earth is...

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Unlocking Wisdom: 3 Tips to Solve Family Challenges family motherhood mothering challenges parenting parenting preparation tips for hard times Apr 12, 2023

My Beloved Sister in Christ,

In the grand tapestry of life, we often encounter the most perplexing of challenges. These trials can be particularly agonizing when they affect our loved ones, filling...

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Rising Strong: A Message for Christian Women be still divine identity peace and quiet strength in christ Apr 05, 2023

Dear Sisters in Jesus,

Are you feeling the weight of exhaustion, overwhelmed by life's demands, and a bit lost in the midst of it all?

I want to have a heart-to-heart talk with you. Over the...

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Grief and Healing: Understanding and Managing Loss grief healing hope loss mourning Apr 04, 2023

This is an abridged guest post by Michelle Strickland from The full article was originally published here.

Grief is a universal human experience, often stemming from the loss of a loved...

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Breaking the Chains of Perfectionism in Our Children helping teens hope in christ mothering challenges perfectionism self-worth yoked to christ Mar 30, 2023

Dear Friend,

In today's world, the pressure for kids to be perfect is immense. From school to extracurricular activities, the demand for excellence can lead to perfectionism. Perfectionism in...

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