Autism and Finding Faith in Church autism autism and church tips for autism and church Oct 14, 2015

Dear Sister in Christ,

Navigating church life with a child with autism is an adventure like no other! Our delightful Nathan once serenaded our congregation with a spontaneous, "Goodnight! Don't let...

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Unleashing Unseen Strength exhaustion power in prayer strength in christ yoked to christ Oct 06, 2015

Dear Sisters in Christ,

What do you do when you feel completely exhausted and worn out? Where do you turn?

In my life's chaotic moments, I've clung to Philippians 4:13 - "I can do ALL THINGS...

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Child of God: Embracing Divine Worth child of god self-worth Sep 30, 2015

Dear Sisters in Christ,

One of life’s great questions, 'Who am I?' is answered simply, "I am a child of God," (Romans 8:16). Embrace your divine worth and treat others with respect.


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The Divine Gift of Music music Sep 22, 2015

Dear Sisters in Christ,

As Women Warriors of Light we are constantly searching for powerful tools to use in our fights against the adversary. As a mother, I've witnessed the incredible power of...

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Summer Fun for Kids: 101 Creative Ideas creative children's activities family fun ideas summer activities for kids Jun 01, 2015

 Dear Sisters in Christ,

Are you ready to conquer those inevitable "Mom, I'm bored!" moments this summer? I've got you covered! This summer, let's inspire our children with creativity, fun,...

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9 Tips to Balance Screen Time with Kids Like a Pro! electronics parenting summer May 31, 2015

Dear Sisters in Christ,

How do you balance screen time with real world activities in the summer time with your children? This is hard for any parent. And let's be honest, as parents we need to set...

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Summer Chore Chart: Instilling Faith and Responsibility May 27, 2015

Dear Beloved Sisters in Christ,

As we embark on the summer season, I wanted to share a delightful and purposeful way to keep our children engaged while instilling godly values. It's a chore chart,...

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Creating Visual Schedules: Guiding Children with Autism autism visual schedule children visual schedule parenting special needs May 26, 2015

My Dearest Warrior Moms,

Let me begin by commending you for your unwavering love, patience, and dedication to your children and especially to you who have children with autism. You are true...

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Trials of Motherhood: Finding Strength in Chaos motherhood mothering challenges parenting teens May 05, 2015

Dear Moms and Fellow Warriors,

Motherhood is the most challenging yet rewarding job. It's a rollercoaster of messes, emotions, and love. I remember when my kids were little; I was pooped on, peed...

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Strength in Motherhood: The Power of Our Village motherhood mothering challenges women need women Apr 14, 2015

Dear Warrior Moms,

Motherhood is a journey of strength and vulnerability. We're not superhuman, although we sometimes feel we should be that way. I once thought I could handle every aspect of...

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Discovering God's Purpose For You: A Message of Faith ask god find purpose prayer self-worth Apr 07, 2015

Dear Sisters in Christ,

I hope this letter finds you well. I wanted to share a story that has been on my heart, a story that I believe reflects a powerful message we all need to hear.

As we...

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Easter's Profound Meaning: A Personal Testimony Apr 05, 2015

My Dearest Sisters in Christ,

I hope this letter finds you filled with the grace and love of our Lord. I wanted to share with you a personal testimony, a story of how the resurrection of our Savior...

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