Navigating Limbo: Finding Momentum in Pause

answer to prayer death of loved one faith limbo overcoming struggles stuck Oct 13, 2021

My Dearest Warrior of Light,

As I write this, I'm reminded of those moments when life seems to hit a standstill. Have you ever felt like God suddenly pushed the pause button on your life's journey? One moment you're moving forward, and the next, you've crashed into an invisible wall, feeling stuck in limbo. It's as if the door has slammed shut, and you're left wondering where the window is that God promised to open.

This can be an incredibly frustrating and challenging place to be, especially when you're used to the momentum of life. It's a moment of pause that often comes with unexpected job loss, a loved one's diagnosis, or a sudden loss that shakes your world.

But here's the beautiful truth, my dear friend: even in this seemingly stagnant season, there are steps you can take, like planting seeds of hope in the soil of faith.

Let's explore a few resources together, aiming to build the momentum you need to move forward:

  1. In a recent podcast episode, I shared nine Bible-based steps you can take while you wait for God to open that door. We'll reflect on verses like Isaiah 40:31 (KJV) to find renewed strength in Him. Check it out at: 9 Actions to Take While Waiting.

  2. I had the privilege of speaking with Lynn Taylor in another episode, where he recounted his remarkable journey of recovery from a life-altering car accident. He discovered a profound sense of God's love as he walked alongside one of his sons in a trying time. Check it out at, Lynn Taylor: How I Believe God Sees Us.

  3. Lastly, I shared my own story in a podcast episode about hitting a life detour and learning how to navigate the challenging limbo period. We'll explore four valuable tips that can help you find your way again. In Limbo Waiting for Answers to Prayer? Try These 4 Tips.

Whether you're the one caught in the stillness or it's someone you love, know that God's promise of an open window is a certainty, waiting to be discovered. It may not be where you expect, but faith and the small steps you take can lead you there. God hasn't forgotten you. In fact, as Lynn's story shows, God's love for us remains unwavering no matter how stuck we might feel.

You are cherished, and God sees the beautiful story that will unfold from this unexpected detour. Keep holding on to hope, and believe that your momentum will return.

With love and unwavering hope,
