Tamara K. Anderson and Amy Johnson delve into the intriguing story of young Jesus found in Luke 2:41-51, where his parents accidentally leave him behind in Jerusalem during a...
Are you feeling stuck in a transition period of your life? Join Tamara K. Anderson and Sid Winward as they explore the powerful messages found in Luke 2:40 and 52, which highlight Jesus'...
How's your scripture study?
God’s Word is a lamp unto our feet and a light unto our path (Psalm 119:105). In the midst of the noise of the world, scripture draws us into His presence,...
Are you carrying battles that feel too heavy to bear?
Take heart—God never meant for you to face them alone. He goes before you, fights on your behalf, and brings victory in His perfect time....
Each year brings the promise of a fresh start, but did you know that every moment offers the same gift from God?
In the thousands of daily choices we make, we find opportunities to align our hearts...
Voices of the Nativity, Part 12
Joseph’s dream warning him to flee to Egypt with Mary and baby Jesus serves as a powerful reminder of the importance of heeding divine promptings to...
Are you on the lookout for signs of Jesus's second coming? Join hosts Tamara K. Anderson, Jen Wright, and Sandy Falter as they delve into the inspiring story of the wise men from Matthew...
Voices of the Nativity, part 10
Join Tamara K. Anderson and Jen Brewer as they explore the inspiring story of Anna, the prophetess from Luke 2:36-39, who serves as a remarkable witness to...