Wisdom of the Wise Men: Lessons for Seekers

bible story christmas christmas story seek jesus Dec 23, 2018

Dear Beloved Warriors of Light,

As the holiday season approaches, my heart swells with joy and anticipation. There is something enchanting about this time of year that fills me with warmth and inspiration. I recently came across a delightful Christmas saying that I felt compelled to share with you: "Wise men still seek Him." It's a message that resonates deeply with my heart, and I believe it holds valuable lessons for us as Christian women warriors of light.

In the book of Matthew, Chapter Two, verses 1 and 2, we encounter the story of the wise men who embarked on a remarkable journey to find the newborn Jesus. These individuals were guided by a celestial star, and their quest serves as a powerful testament to the nature of faith, sacrifice, and seeking the presence of Christ in our lives.

1. Willingness to Journey

The first lesson we draw from the wise men is their willingness to undertake a journey of great significance. They left behind the comforts of their lives and embarked on a pilgrimage to find Jesus Christ. Imagine the sacrifices they made, the time they invested, and the faith that propelled them forward. Their story teaches us that to draw closer to Christ, we too must be willing to make the journey. It may not require a physical journey like the wise men's, but it often demands that we dedicate time, resources, and above all, our faith.

2. Involving Others in the Search

When the wise men reached Jerusalem, they assumed the king would be born in the palace. Yet, they didn't keep their search to themselves. They involved others - the chief priests and scribes - who, in turn, turned to the scriptures. This collaboration led to the revelation that Jesus would be born in Bethlehem. We can apply this lesson to our lives by sharing our journey of faith with others. Invite them to discover Christ alongside you, and guide them toward the scriptures to illuminate their path.

3. Heaven Will Guide Us

As the wise men set out, the star that initially led them continued to guide them until it "stood over where the young child was." This heavenly guidance, even in the form of a celestial star, reminds us that heaven will indeed guide us in our lives as we seek Christ. While we may not witness such literal celestial signs, God will provide us with guidance when we earnestly seek it. This reassurance fills us with joy and confidence, knowing that God cares deeply for us.

4. What Gifts Do We Offer Jesus?

When the wise men finally found Jesus, they presented Him with gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh. These offerings teach us to ponder the gifts we can offer Christ. While we may not bear physical gifts like gold or spices, we can give spiritual gifts of time, love, and obedience. These gifts, particularly love and service, can become a testament of our faith and devotion to Christ. We must also remember that the gift of obedience is precious, for it embodies our commitment to following His commandments and embracing the gift of repentance.

5. Following Heavenly Impressions

In verse 12, the wise men received a divine warning in a dream, instructing them not to return to King Herod. Their obedience to this heavenly impression ensured the safety of the young child. In our own lives, we must learn to recognize and follow the impressions we receive from God. These impressions may manifest as quiet thoughts or promptings that guide us in our journey. It's essential to create moments of stillness in our lives to listen, ponder, and recognize these impressions.

This holiday season, let us remember the wise men and the lessons they offer us. They exemplify the qualities of faith, sacrifice, seeking Christ, involving others, accepting heavenly guidance, offering meaningful gifts, and following divine impressions. As Christian women warriors of light, let us embody these traits and seek to draw closer to Christ in our lives.

May your hearts be filled with the spirit of this season, and may you find the light of Christ illuminating your path. Share these lessons with those who need inspiration and encouragement in their journey.

With love and light,

Tamara K. Anderson