Summer Chore Chart: Instilling Faith and Responsibility

May 27, 2015

Dear Beloved Sisters in Christ,

As we embark on the summer season, I wanted to share a delightful and purposeful way to keep our children engaged while instilling godly values. It's a chore chart, yes, but not just any chore chart - one that is filled with love, faith, and the teachings of our Lord.

Here's what I find to be my favorite chore chart, especially for the summer months. It's a simple printed list of everyday tasks like making the bed, saying prayers, getting dressed, scripture reading and practicing the piano. However, what makes it truly special are the extra blank spaces at the bottom. These are reserved for the daily chores that may vary. After preparing this chart, slip it into a sheet protector and clip it to a clipboard. Then, use a dry-erase marker to write in the additional tasks, allowing your precious children to check them off with the same marker.

The beauty of this chore chart is that it's not only practical but also spiritually enriching. We can incorporate Bible verses or a quick scripture study or Bible Story time, helping our little ones connect their chores with the teachings of our faith. Let them discover the joy of obedience while learning about God's loving guidance through Scripture.

Just as the sun rises each morning, we can start fresh the next day by wiping off yesterday's chores and checks. It's a wonderful way to instill a sense of responsibility and commitment. As we all know, teaching our children these values can sometimes be a challenging task.

Now, here are a few additional tips. If you have younger children who can't read yet, consider adding pictures to illustrate their chores. You can find images online to make it easier for them to understand and accomplish their tasks.

Another valuable approach is having our children work together on certain chores, especially if we have little warriors on the autism spectrum or who have other special needs. For instance, you can assign siblings to collaborate on tasks like vacuuming the stairs. Not only does this teach cooperation and teamwork, but it also helps build strong sibling bonds.

As you go about your summer days, I encourage you to infuse these chores with prayers. Gather your children, kneel together, and thank the Lord for the opportunities to serve. Pray for His guidance and wisdom to instill values that will shape their hearts in His image.

In Proverbs 22:6 (KJV), we are reminded to "Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it." Through this chore chart, we are doing just that – guiding our children in the ways of the Lord.

May your summer be filled with joy, faith, and cherished moments as you nurture your children's hearts and souls. Remember, in everything we do, we serve the Lord and lead our little ones to do the same.

With love and blessings,

Tamara K. Anderson