Moving Forward: Finding God's Path When Stuck

bible story stuck trust god Oct 04, 2023

Dear Fellow Warrior of Light,

Have you ever found yourself in a place where it seems like you're backed into a corner, unable to move forward, and wondering if God has led you to this very point? I've been there, and I want to share a story with you that might bring some clarity to those moments.

As a mother, I recall a time when my children were diagnosed with autism. It felt like I was stuck, unable to go back to the days before their diagnosis, and uncertain about the path ahead. I yearned for the past when life seemed simpler. If you've ever felt similarly, please know that you're not alone. We all encounter moments of feeling trapped and wishing for a return to the past.

This situation reminds me of a powerful Old Testament story, one that might resonate with your feelings. It's the account of Moses leading the children of Israel out of Egypt and toward the Red Sea. Just like us, they found themselves in a predicament. They left Egypt, only to find themselves with mountains on one side, the sea on the other, and the Egyptians closing in from behind. They were paralyzed, filled with fear and uncertainty. Their response was to complain, saying, "Why didn't you leave us alone in Egypt? We were better off there."

In moments like this, when we feel cornered, we sometimes find ourselves complaining, questioning God, and feeling frustrated. It's a natural response when we're unsure about the direction we're headed.

In this story, God tells Moses to share a message with the Israelites when they're trapped. He says, "Fear not; stand still and see the salvation of the Lord." Then, He adds, "The Lord shall fight for you, and you shall hold your peace." Finally, the crucial phrase, "that they should go forward."

Now, imagine the Israelites' confusion when they heard "go forward." They were trapped, with no apparent way out. They couldn't go back, and they couldn't go sideways. It seemed impossible.

But that's the beauty of God's guidance. He opens doors that we may never have considered. Just as the Israelites hadn't thought of crossing the sea on dry land, God provides a way for us through the impossible.

So, if you find yourself in a personal wilderness, take heart. The Lord is on the other side, and you'll reach your promised land one day. God will lead you through, providing sustenance along the way, just as He provided water and manna in the wilderness for the Israelites.

In your wilderness, remember to keep moving forward. You can't stay stuck in the past, reminiscing about the "good old days." Trust that God is leading you and that He will open the right path, even when it seems impossible. God was their guide, a cloud by day and a pillar of fire by night, leading them precisely where they needed to go.

So, have faith and trust that God is leading you, guiding you through the wilderness, and taking you in the right direction. When you feel backed into a corner, remember the words of Moses: "Go forward." It's a message we all need in our lives.

Share this message with those who might need it, and remember that God will always guide you, even when you're backed into a corner. Keep moving forward, and have faith in His plan.

Wishing you a day filled with hope and courage,

Tamara K. Anderson