Ruth Part 3: How Can I Bravely Trust God's Plan?

bible women & bathrobes bible women story humility naomi podcast ruth trust god Apr 25, 2024

Bible, Women & Bathrobes Episode 6

Tamara, Heather, and Bonnie discussed the bravery of Naomi and Ruth in the story of Ruth chapter 3, emphasizing the importance of recognizing the help of others and being open to guidance and support. Heather and Bonnie analyzed the ritual of Naomi asking Boaz for protection and blessing for Ruth, highlighting the symbolism of Naomi's actions and the significance of Ruth's request. Tamara, Bonnie, and Heather also explored the theme of redemption in the book of Ruth, emphasizing the role of Ruth's faith and humility in her redemption. Later, Tamara and Bonnie shared their experiences with spiritual uncertainty, encouraging listeners to trust in God's plan even when the outcome is unclear, and Bonnie and Tamara offered insights on finding courage and trust in God's timing.



Key Talking Points

The story of Ruth, focusing on Naomi's instructions to Ruth.

  • Heather Moore discusses the third part of the story of Ruth with Tamara and Bonnie.
  • Bonnie and Tamara discuss Naomi's instructions to Ruth, including the idea of recognizing God's hand in our lives and the bravery it takes to act on that inspiration.

Biblical rituals and symbolism in Ruth 3.

  • Naomi encourages Ruth to approach Boaz with a proposal, hoping he'll be a suitable husband for her.
  • Ruth performs a ritual symbolizing humility and asking for protection.
  • Heather draws parallels between Ruth's story and the woman with the issue of blood in the Bible, highlighting the courage and humility required to seek blessings from God.

Faith, obedience, and trust in God's plan.

  • Ruth's faith and Naomi's mentorship lead to problem-solving and growth.
  • Tamara and Heather discuss the story of Ruth and Boaz, with Tamara highlighting Ruth's determination to fulfill the law of redemption.
  • Bonnie shares experiences of feeling prompted to move to a specific location, only to face obstacles and disappointment.
  • Bonnie shares a story that highlights the importance of patience and trust in God's plan, even when answers don't come quickly.
  • Tamara and Bonnie discuss the importance of pausing and trusting in God's timing.


Main Takeaways

  • He has not forgotten about you. He still hears your prayers, He still knows your name, He still sees you.
  • We can humbly and perfectly prepare ourselves to look to the Lord our shepherd, our guide.
  • We need to have courage to act when we feel impressed to do something.
  • There are going to be times when we've done all we can do and we have to pause and be still and sit still, as Naomi encourages Ruth, and trust that God is going to open this door for us.


Today’s Podcast Hosts & Guests


Tamara K. Anderson

Tamara, founder of Women Warriors of Light, is a dynamic speaker, award winning author, and a podcaster. She is driven by her Christian faith to inspire faith in Jesus Christ. Alongside her husband, Justin, she navigates the joys and challenges of parenting four children with autism, ADHD, and mental health hurdles. You can find out more about Tamara on her website:


Bonnie Randall

Bonnie Randall is a wife, mother, trainer, speaker, actress, copywriter, heart centered life coach and has also been a business and marketing consultant for over 20 years. Her real passion is to help people grow as individuals and teach them how to resolve limiting beliefs. Bonnie enjoys teaching about mental health, abuse prevention and recovery classes. She runs a trauma recovery support group and YouTube channel called, Come Off Conqueror, which helps survivors of abuse find Christ centered healing. Find out more at:


Heather B. Moore

Heather B. Moore is a USA Today bestselling author of more than ninety publications. Heather writes primarily historical and #herstory fiction about the humanity and heroism of the everyday person. Publishing in a breadth of genres, Heather dives into the hearts and souls of her characters, meshing her love of research with her love of storytelling.


Her ancient era historicals and thrillers are written under pen name H.B. Moore. She writes historical women's fiction, romance and inspirational non-fiction under Heather B. Moore, and . . . speculative fiction under Jane Redd. This can all be confusing, so her kids just call her Mom. Heather attended Cairo American College in Egypt and the Anglican School of Jerusalem in Israel. Despite failing her high school AP English exam, Heather persevered and earned a Bachelor of Science degree from Brigham Young University in something other than English.


You can find a Heather’s novel about Ruth here.


Please join Heather's email list at:


Instagram: @authorhbmoore

Facebook: Heather B. Moore


#naomi, #ruth, #lord, #women, #bible, #pray, #humble, #blessing,  #God, #trustinGod


Tamara Anderson  0:00  

Have you ever wondered how God works his miracles in our lives? And is it through other people that you often see His hands? Or do you feel Him whispering to you to take some certain steps that require a little bit of courage? I know for me, I'm often supposed to do something that requires me to step out of my comfort zone and today we're going to talk a little bit about that. In the third part of Ruth and Naomi story, so stay tuned.


 Welcome to Bible Women in Bathrobes the podcast where faith meets comfort. Join us Tuesday and Thursday morning. As the gals from Women Warriors of Light and their guests, don bathrobes and dive into the inspiring stories of women in the Bible, and the teachings of Jesus Christ. From Esther's bravery to the Sermon on the Mount. We explored all with warmth, laughter, sisterhood, and maybe even a few sleepy-eyed moments. tune in live or at your leisure as we learn lessons from scripture which empower women today. 


Welcome to another episode of Bible Woman and Bathrobes. I'm Tamara K. Anderson one of your hosts and I have Bonnie Randall here this morning. She's my co-host. Good morning, Bonnie.


Bonnie Randall  1:24  

Good morning, everybody. 


Tamara Anderson  1:26  

And we are again blessed to have Heather B. Moore here. Heather is the author of more than 90 publications. And one of her amazing books is a novel on the story of Ruth which we will link in the show notes because it is an amazing story kind of helps bring it more to life for us. And so we're blessed to have her on as an expert. You can find her on her website, And we will link her bio in the show notes. So today's shows Heather, thank you again for being here this morning to talk about this third part of the story of Ruth.


Heather B. Moore  2:04  

Well, thanks for inviting me. I love the story of Ruth and it's been a privilege to kind of deep dive back into it and to have these discussions with both of you. 


Tamara Anderson  2:14  

Yeah. So we are picking up with Ruth chapter three. Today we've had Ruth and Naomi. Naomi is the mother-in-law, and she and her family moved to Moab for a little bit and, and there her two sons married Moabitess women. And then Elimelech Naomi's husband died, and then her two sons died in Moab and being destitute. She released her daughter in law's to go back to their people and Orpah did go back. But Naomi stayed with her and said, I've been basically converted, I'm going to stay with you. Your God will be my God your people will be my people wherever you're buried, I will die as well. So she takes Ruth takes Naomi back to Bethlehem, about 30-40 miles away and and gleans, we we learned about gleaning last episode, and how she had to help provide for her we were introduced to another character in this story, Boaz, who which who was a rich kinsmen of Elimelech. And, and he told her you can glean in my fields, because basically, I'm adopting you as part of the family. And this is where we pick up the story. We're at the end of the barley harvest here. And we have some instruction from Naomi, to Ruth at the end of this harvest. And before we dive into this, any other thoughts that I need to tie in before we dive into this chapter, ladies?


Bonnie Randall  4:00  

Well, you actually started with that question of what you asked.  And last time, as I was thinking about how you closed off about, you said, that sometimes we are the people who are receiving the help, right. And when you said that it actually made me think I need to recognize more when I am receiving God's hand, and when I am receiving extra, and so it got me the wheels in my head turning of thinking about like, the gratitude journals and all these different things that people do to like see God's hand in their life. And then a tied back into Naomi, when you had them mentioned that  Naomi realized, oh, yeah, I have this near kinsmen, Boaz. And then what she tells Ruth to do in the beginning of Chapter Three I have to be honest, I, I've read this like five times, and I'm like, What is she telling her to do? Because it sounds scandalous to me. Right? Like she says, Do you mind if I read it?


Tamara Anderson  5:14  

 Go ahead. 


Bonnie Randall  5:15  

She says, she says, again, like he's our kindred, and go and wash thyself like, "anoint thee and put on a Rhema upon thee, and get these down to the floor and make not myself known unto the man until he shall have done eating and drinking. And then when he lieth down, thou shalt mark the place where he shall lie, and thou shalt go in and cover his feet, and lay thee down, and he will tell thee what thou shalt do." What? Who are normally like, covered, they're very, like, you know, modest, and chased and all of this stuff, and she's telling her to go into him and lay his feet and like, what is gonna happen? And he will tell thee what thou shalt do. I mean, you keep going, and it explains a little bit more, but our resident scholar here, and camera know way more than me. Why? Why would she say this? And like you said, Tamra, talk about the bravery, it takes my gosh to, to do this? I mean, I have anxiety right now. 


Tamara Anderson  6:34  

Heather, we will let you cover this part.


Heather B. Moore  6:36  

I think well, so there's probably lots of things going on here. I think Naomi is inspired, if she didn't feel like both, you know, we talked a little bit about the matchmaking verse in our last segment. But if Naomi didn't think that Boaz wasn't a good man, she wouldn't send Ruth to do this. And she's she's probably hoping and even praying that that Boaz will will be the man for Ruth, because Naomi knows there's another kinsman that's more closely related. And maybe Naomi doesn't like him as much, or there could be a million reasons going on. But she also, I thought, it was interesting to where she says in verse three, wash thyself and anoint thee. So this is this kind of has a double meaning I feel like it has more of a spiritual meaning to anoint an anointing, which is like a blessing, right? So so prepare yourself, prepare yourself spiritually, to go and to beseech Boaz, on both of our behalf. And also, we don't know what she used to annoint herself, it was, it could have been a perfume, it could have been an oil, maybe they went out and found some mere or an aloe or cinnamon or something. Or maybe it was something that Naomi had carried with her as kind of a treasure, maybe a perfume that her husband had given her. And so this was something that was very deliberate to do. And then also the act of, of putting your garment over a person's feet. And there's a lot of there's a lot of symbolism that goes throughout the scriptures, you know, washing your feet is very humbling act of observing someone, and also covering someone's feet is in their culture, it was symbolic of, of seeking and asking for protection. And what and why couldn't she just go knock on his door, say, hey, you know, my mother-in-law, we've been talking, you know, we have a proposition for you or something. But this was this was just kind of a ritual that that happened. And, and as you know, is this culture, there's a lot of rituals that happen. But as far as like, the actual outer garment, because it says in verse nine, it says, let's see, "spread, therefore thy skirt over thine handmade" So. So that's his response to her. But basically, they both they both wear these outer garments and in Hebrew, it's called Tallaght. And it's also called the mantle. So man's will have a man's will have fringes, but spreading your garment over another person means that you are then offering them protection. So that's kind of an interesting way to look at as well.


Bonnie Randall  9:33  

So it's not scandalous, like where my mind was going.


Heather B. Moore  9:38  

Yeah, it's not scandalous. And I've read some of those commentaries and, and we're, we're going off the King James Version of the Bible, and there might be other versions of the Bible that are a little bit more plain speaking, but it's but it's more of a ritual and more of a way to like it's kind of a humbling way to ask for for help. 


Bonnie Randall  10:01  

Wow, I did not even catch that about how the anointing and the washing is her preparing spiritually in the connection to us and how when we go to ask our Lord, we can prepare ourselves spiritually to ask for His blessing and to ask for His hand. And how many times do we toil and seek and work so hard to get answers to our prayers and, and that is humbling, just like what Ruth had to do, I can now that you paint that picture for me, I can envision this, this woman in Oh, just asking and pleading and just laying herself at His feet. In a very childlike and humble way of saying, I am poor and destitute, I need help, and you are the one I would like that for thank you for painting that picture in my mind and helping me see it as not some weird thing.


Heather B. Moore  11:09  

I also think that she knows, she knows that she has, she knows that she, she can have this blessing. And so it's almost like I have been worthy. I have been humble, I have sacrificed and and so it was kind of like us coming before the Lord and saying, Can you please, please give me this blessing. And we know everything is according to the Lord's will in his own time. But she is she has prepared, prepared herself spiritually to receive it. And now she's asking for it. So it kind of reminds me of the Scripture about the woman with the issue of blood and for for 12 years she has suffered. And she is kind of an outcast in society. Not that Ruth is an outcast, but she's definitely destitute. And so she makes her way through the crowd and kind of puts her her rep not reputation, but, but just it would just take a lot for her a lot of courage for her because she's considered unclean, to go into a crowd of people, and to touch the hem of the Sav the Savior's garment, and to ask for that blessing. And then of course, the blessing comes to her. So I feel like Ruth is kind of taking that courage, and going in and asking for this blessing for herself.


Tamara Anderson  12:33  

I'm going to draw something else out that kind of plays into everything we've been talking about here. When Naomi tells Ruth what she's supposed to do. I think in verse in verse five, we see the faith of Ruth, she says, All that thou say is unto me, I will do. And I think it's really neat that she has the faith to act on this. And I also think that we can apply this to us in a way of sometimes when we have a problem presented to us, we don't know how to solve it. And God puts people into our lives that may become mentors or just be the right person we need to talk to. And all of a sudden, like things click into place in our brains. I know I've like gone on walks with friends, when I've struggled with different issues. And while we're walking, and I'm sharing my problems, all of a sudden, one of them will say something and it's like, God goes, bam, and there's your answer. Do you know what I mean? Angels are singing in my brain. I'm like, oh, why didn't I think of that. So sometimes being open and honest with people with how we are struggling, opens the way for them to to act as God's voice to us to help us see the next right step. Does that make sense?


Bonnie Randall  13:54  

And we need to be humble and teachable, right goes back to our other Bible study about the Sermon on the Mountain being meek and, and, and I liked that in verse seven. It says he was marry, he had just feasted, right and he had it comes down to lay down at the end and she came softly and covered his feet and laid her down. I liked the she came softly part. Again, that makes me think of that meekness, that humility that I am here to be I'm at the mercy right like, yeah, behold the handmaiden of the Lord. 


Tamara Anderson  14:34  

Yeah. Awesome. So Boaz wakes up and and he's like, Who is this? And Ruth is like it's Ruth and and that's when she basically asks, spread therefore they skirt over thy handmade for thou art in your kinsmen and to me and basically she's saying fulfill, fulfill this lyrical law that Heather talked about in our lives. Last episode of, of bringing my family into redemption, and, and then Boaz is so sweet in verse 10. He says, "Blessed  be thou of the Lord, my daughter, for thou has shewed more kindness in the latter end than at the beginning inasmuch as thou followedst not young men, whether rich or poor," so basically saying, we kind of get the impression here that Boaz is a little bit older, and she could have gone after maybe some younger people to fulfill this part of the lyrical law. But he's, he's saying, and then in verse 11, he says, now my daughter, Fear not, for I will do to the all that thou requires, for all the city of my people that know that thou art a virtuous women, woman, and now it is true that I am nine year kinsmen. And then he says, how we get there is somebody closer than I, so he's like, I will do all that I can to bring about this redemption for you and Naomi. But there is a little catch in the story. You know, this is the part in the book of every book that we read nowadays, where it's the 75% mark through the story and everything, you know, falls apart, or how's this gonna end? Any thoughts on what I just read there? Or should we just proceed forward?


Heather B. Moore  16:28  

Yeah, I mean, I think I think you nailed it as far as this, this is, this is, this is Ruth, just taking our chance, and laying it all out there and, and letting and it's kind of like we plead our pleadings to the Lord. And then we just have to kind of wait for his decision and hope it's the one that we want.


Tamara Anderson  16:26  

Yeah, so we come to that point. And I think we all have those moments in our stories where, you know, we've done what we felt impressed to do, and we kind of just lay it at the feet of God literally, and say, be it according to your well, you know, I don't know how this how my story is going to end at this point. But I'm trusting you to help this unfold in a way that will be good for me and my situation, you know, Bonnie, any thoughts?


Bonnie Randall  17:29  

I'm going through that situation right now. 


Tamara Anderson  17:32  

Oh, painful.


Bonnie Randall  17:35  

That's what comes up for me is thinking about where we know we're supposed to move to the country. And I've had these promptings for several years. And we made an offer, we prayed about where to go, we thought about Huntsville for a while, and we thought about Cash County, like all these different things, and we've made offers on different property and things just fell through fell through. And at one point, I just after the next one that was in, we found the perfect property in a place called Paradise, literally, that the city and with the town. And it is paradise. It is beautiful. And we made an offer. They accepted all this. It was working. And then we went to do your due diligence and come to find out you can't build on that piece of property. Oh, and I had had dreams about it. All this stuff. We felt so good. And I just I kept feeling really good. And so did my husband's we just kept working with the county and working with the seller and trying to make this work. Well, six months go by working on this property. And I'm still feel good about it. And we have to walk away we're like this, there's no way the county's not budging. So I feel horrible for this poor seller who now is stuck with this property that they can't use. And I remember saying, praying and just being like, why in the heck, I prayed and prayed and prayed and we felt so good. We did all this stuff. Like I never at one point you felt like you were saying this was wrong. I felt like you were saying proceed. But yet, we've come to a wall. We can't proceed. What in the world do you want from us? What more can we do at this point? And a friend said to me, he brought up there's a man in our in my church who is one of our leaders and he has this story that he shares about him and as I think grandfather, they went out fishing or something and they were in these back roads and St George and they got nearer to the end of the day and then we're going to lose light so they're gonna leave it or go we're also going to find our way back and they come to a crossroads. And they didn't know if they should turn right or left. And so they said a prayer. And they both felt like they should turn this one direction. So they go, they turn down to that direction, and they come to a dead end. And like, that's where it's they turn around, they go the other way. And they keep going. And a few minutes later, his son says, What was that all about Dad, like, we prayed, and we came to a dead end. Why would the Lord do that? And he says, You know, I've been thinking about this, I'm really glad you asked. I think it's because the Lord knew that if we had gone this way, initially, we would get halfway down the road and doubt ourselves and turn around and go the other way, and we'd come to the dead end. And then we'd be really in trouble because we wouldn't have enough light to make it to the main road. And he share that story with me. And I have to say, I have been thinking about this for now another year. And because the story continues, and I've been like, we're still not at the end of the other road, like, clearly that one was not meant to be, we were not meant to be there. And we have then since received more revelation about where we're supposed to be, and the area in which we're supposed to be. And now we're trying to figure out which property. But the point is, is that sometimes the resolution doesn't happen nearly as quickly. We don't get the answers until a long time down the road. And when hindsight and we can then look back on the story and go, Oh, that's what you were meaning in intending for us to happen. And so I would love to encourage as my takeaway for today on this story, is to encourage anyone out there who is struggling and feeling like they have laid it all out the feet, and they're still not getting anything. Your time will come. He has not forgotten about you. He still hears your prayers, He still knows your name, He still sees you. And there's another piece of the puzzle that He's waiting for to come into play. There's something else that needs to fall into place before your part can fall into place. I have more stories about that, that I could share, but I won't. 


Tamara Anderson  22:24  

Next Time. Awesome, Heather takeaways from today's episode?


Heather B. Moore  22:31  

Yeah, I mean, I just love what Bonnie said is that we like what, what can we really do? We can we can humbly and perfectly prepare ourselves. And but ultimately, you know, we look to the Lord is our shepherd, and our guide. And so and then once we do get the answer, hopefully, we're in the right frame of mind to understand why maybe we were led to a dead end or, or we did have to turn around on our path. But I just really love that analogy you gave us Bonnie, so I'm gonna use it.


Tamara Anderson  23:09  

My takeaway is similar to all of your takeaways is that, you know, sometimes we have to have courage to act when we we feel impressed to do something. But then at the very end of this chapter, when Ruth goes back and tells Naomi, everything that happened that night. I love, love, love what Naomi says truth, she says, "Then said she sits still my daughter, and tell until now know how the matter will fall." So it kind of harkens back to the phrase we find in the Bible. "Be still and know that I am God." There are going to be times when we've done all we can do and we have to pause and be still and sit still, as Naomi encourages Ruth, and trust that God is going to open this door for me. I've done all he's asked me to do I was courageous. I took that step even though it sounded weird, and I wasn't sure why. And now it's time for me to pause and sit still and watch and wait for those promises to come to pass. So that is my takeaway. Any thoughts before we wrap up ladies?


Bonnie Randall  24:27  

That is beautiful. And talk about being the person that I need to learn from today. Tamra. You always do that for me you always bring up things that I really need to hear. And this morning as it's really weighing on me where we're going and what we're doing. I really appreciate that testimony. And it makes me feel a little more courageous.


Tamara Anderson  24:57  

Yeah. Wonderful. Well, thank Thank you for joining us this morning. We are so pleased to have gotten to this point in the story of Ruth. I do feel like we're kind of leaving you guys at a cliffhanger. Sorry. Don't worry. We'll give you the resolution and our next episode of Bible Women and Bathrooms. So join us next Thursday we'll conclude the story of Ruth and be able to kind of see how all the story resolves. And in the meantime, hang in there. Your story will have a wonderful conclusion too, I promise. Bye. Thanks for joining us. 


Thanks for tuning in to Bible Women and Bathrobes hosted by Women Warriors of Light. We've loved exploring the stories of remarkable women are the teachings of the Savior today with you. If today's episode brought someone special to mind, be sure to spread the word. And don't forget to hit that subscribe button so you never miss a moment of inspiration and sisterhood. Just a friendly reminder, all opinions we share are entirely personal as we are trying to decipher and apply Bible teachings just like you are. Until next time, stay faithful. And may Your journey be blessed and illuminated by God's love.