How Can I Be Pure in Heart & Forgive?

bible women & bathrobes forgiveness lessons from the teachings of jesus podcast pure in heart sermon on the mount Apr 23, 2024

Bible, Women & Bathrobes Episode 5

In today’s episode we will talk about Matthew 5:8-12 about what it means to be pure in heart, peacemakers and forgiveness toward those who persecute us.


Today's Podcast HostsP



Tamara, Bonnie & Wendi discuss the importance of purity of heart and mind in order to see God and experience peace in life. They emphasized the need for recognizing and removing impurities through Jesus' help, and how this can lead to a deeper relationship with God and a more peaceful life. They also discussed the importance of gratitude, setting healthy boundaries, and practicing forgiveness in peacemaking. Bonnie, Tamara & Wendi also shared their insights on the power of visualization and the Atonement in facilitating forgiveness and healing, and emphasized the importance of seeking help from counselors when needed.



Key Talking Points

Purity of heart and peacemaking through Jesus Christ.

  • Tamara and Bonnie discuss the Sermon on the Mount with Wendi, exploring the idea that the pure in heart can see God.
  • Bonnie shares insights on becoming a Zion people and yoking oneself with Christ.
  • The group explores the idea of pure in heart as a blueprint for life, with a focus on forgiveness, mercy, and becoming like Jesus Christ.
  • They discuss the need for Jesus to remove impurities from their hearts and souls.
  • They reflect on how recognizing and asking for Jesus' help can lead to purification and a deeper relationship with God.


Recognizing God's presence in daily life, gratitude, and being a peacemaker.

  • Tamara encourages listeners to have the eyes to see God and recognize His presence in their lives, leading to peace and being a peacemaker.
  • Wendi shares about overcoming perfectionism by showing up with a willing heart and recognizing God's presence in daily life.


Balancing peacemaking with setting boundaries in a Christ-like way.

  • Bonnie discusses the misconception that "peacemaker" means avoiding confrontation, citing Jesus' examples of setting boundaries and standing in truth while being gentle and loving.
  • Wendi shares how Christ had healthy boundaries and how it's okay for us to set boundaries in a peaceful way.


Forgiveness and peacemaking through verbalizing and turning over to Christ.

  • Forgiveness steps: verbalize, pray, and be a peacemaker.
  • Forgiveness helps us deal with hurts and offenses in a better way, as taught by Jesus Christ.
  • Wendi forgives others by saying it out loud, which helps separate problems and give strength to approach difficult conversations.
  • Forgiveness turns problems over to Christ, which allows for healing.


Forgiveness and healing through repentance and handing burdens to God.

  • Bonnie visualizes handing over burdens to Christ.
  • Healed individuals can show up as their best selves and treat others better.
  • Bonnie and Tamara discuss the power of the Atonement to heal and transform lives.


Main Takeaways

  • Jesus is always the answer
  • When we let Him refine us and we let Him heal us, we automatically start to become like Him.
  • When you are healed, you're going to come from a place of confidence. And where you feel of worth, and where you feel valued, and you feel enough. 


Today’s Podcast Hosts & Guests

Tamara K. Anderson

Tamara, founder of Women Warriors of Light, is a dynamic speaker, award winning author, and a podcaster. She is driven by her Christian faith to inspire faith in Jesus Christ. Alongside her husband, Justin, she navigates the joys and challenges of parenting four children with autism, ADHD, and mental health hurdles. You can find out more about Tamara on her website:


Bonnie Randall

Bonnie Randall is a wife, mother, trainer, speaker, actress, copywriter, heart centered life coach and has also been a business and marketing consultant for over 20 years. Her real passion is to help people grow as individuals and teach them how to resolve limiting beliefs. Bonnie enjoys teaching about mental health, abuse prevention and recovery classes. She runs a trauma recovery support group and YouTube channel called, Come Off Conqueror, which helps survivors of abuse find Christ centered healing. Find out more at:


Wendi Christensen, LCSW

Wendi is the co-founder of Women Warriors of Light. In addition to being a wife and mother, she is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker with over 28 years of experience. Wendi is an intuitive counselor helping individuals release pain, renew hope, and restore light through forgiveness. You can find out more about Wendi on her website:


#Pureinheart, #Peacemaker, #Forgiveness, #SeeingGod, #Settingboundaries, #Healing

#Atonement, #Burdens, #Gratitude, #Christ-like




Tamara Anderson  0:00  

Welcome, question for you guys. Have you ever tried to wonder how you see God in your life like see him in the details of your life? Or have you ever wished that you felt more peaceful, peaceful enough to be a peacemaker? Stay tuned we're going to cover this in more on today's episode of Bible, Women & Bathrobes. 


Tamara Anderson  0:27  

Welcome to Bible, Women & Bathrobes the podcast where faith meets comfort. Join us Tuesday and Thursday morning. As the gals from Women Warriors of Light and their guests, don bathrobes and dive into the inspiring stories of women in the Bible and the teachings of Jesus Christ. From Esther's bravery to the Sermon on the Mount. We explore it all with warmth, laughter, sisterhood, and maybe even a few sleepy-eyed moments. Tune in live or at your leisure as we learn lessons from scripture which empower women today. 


Tamara Anderson  1:03  

Welcome to Bible, Women & Bathrobes. I'm your host Tamara K Anderson, and joining me today is my co-host, Bonnie Randall. Say hi, Bonnie.


Bonnie Randall  1:13  

Good morning, ladies.


Tamara Anderson  1:20  

And also my co-founder for Women Warriors of Light Wendi Christensen. Good morning, Wendi.


Wendi Christensen  1:26  

Good morning. So glad to be here.


Tamara Anderson  1:29  

Oh, and we are so happy to have you. And we haven't had Wendi on the show today yet. I'm sorry. We haven't had Wendi on the show yet. So I'll introduce her to you. She's amazing. So Wendi Christensen is our co-founder of Women Warriors of Light and in addition to being a wife and mother, she's a licensed clinical social worker with over 28 years of experience. Wendi is an intuitive Christian counselor, helping individuals release pain, renew hope and restore light through the power of forgiveness. So we are so pleased to have Wendi on our show today. 


Tamara Anderson  2:11  

And today guys, we're picking up where we left off last week, as far as we're on the Sermon on the Mount. And we are on Matthew chapter five. And we're going to pick up with verse eight. "Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God." And that's a really cool verse because often we're not, we're told we can't see God. But but but I think we can see him in the details of our lives. So let's dive into that. Bonnie, what do you think it means to be pure in heart?


Bonnie Randall  2:52  

So I had spent a lot of time studying this one, because I didn't really think I fully understood it. But as I dove in, I realized it means a lot of different things. And, you know, there's a lot of it's almost overwhelming, in a way to think that I need to be pure in heart. But then I stumbled upon a really great sermon that talked about how we can become pure in heart as we strive to become a Zion people and yoking ourselves one with Christ. And that made more sense to me as I started thinking about what what is Zion person, that someone who's obviously striving to be a disciple who's striving to do all of the Beatitudes, right? This is a blueprint for life. If we do these things, we will become pure in heart. But another thing that stood out to me was moving on to verse nine is the peacemaker part is somebody who is without darkness in their heart without malice without holding on to grudges, and this idea of that forgiveness and that mercy that we talked about, last time started becoming more real to me. We'll get into that in a second. I want to hear Wendi's thoughts, too.


Tamara Anderson  4:24  



Wendi Christensen  4:24  

I think that's beautiful. Bonnie, what you've said, and I think, you know, when you when you look at pure at heart and becoming a peacemaker, ultimately, we think of Jesus Christ, and how can I best become like my Savior? And he ultimately was the peacemaker, right? He's the one that we pattern, all of that after. When we think of Peacemaker. And when you think of pure in heart, I think it's that simple, Christ-like love that we try to give to ourselves, which I think is sometimes really hard. And then to others. We're we're just seeking to do what's good. We're just constantly seeking to do the best that we can, whatever that looks like. And there's different seasons in life and every season is going to be a little bit different. But where am I in my season right now? And how can I be pure at heart in my season of life right now? 


Tamara Anderson  4:41  

One of the thoughts I had, as far as pure in heart when we talk about something being pure, like just in general. We're talking about it not being polluted. You know that things haven't been mixed in and untainted it, I guess. And if that were the only qualification, all of us, none of us would be pure enough. And I think that the point is, kind of like we were talking about last episode, Bonnie, was just the idea of how, how much we need Jesus to help us remove these impurities from our heart and soul. You know what I mean? 


Tamara Anderson  5:21  

But how we how we need Jesus to remove those impurities. And like, Wendi, you were saying how we need to forgive ourselves. But we need to call on His mercy, which is what we talked about last time to, to apply that forgiveness to ourselves because of Him. And I think it's interesting that every verse in this sermon on the mount, the more we dive into it, they all come back to the same answer. How do you become more merciful? How do you become more meek? How do you become more pure in heart? The answer is Jesus, you know what I mean? We need Jesus to be more pure, more clean, to have those tendencies to do impure things rooted out of us. But first, recognizing that we have now you know, oh, I've got this spot of darkness in me, and I don't want I don't like it. I don't want it to stay there. And so I need Jesus to help me root that out and asking for His help to do that. What can I do to get that out, because I don't want to carry it around with me anymore, you know. 


Tamara Anderson  7:33  

And then the promise that if we do that, we will see God. And I've never seen God in my life, but I have felt His presence. And I have seen Him ministering to me through other people. You know what I mean? And so asking, I have asked, helped me to see your hand in my life today. Because sometimes we feel so overcome and overwhelmed that we don't, that we don't see or perhaps even recognize when He's showing up in our lives. So sometimes asking helped me to see when you do show up, because I'm not seeing it. And I feel like totally abandoned right now in, in the hardness of my journey. Any thoughts on that? Bonnie?


Bonnie Randall  8:28  

Yeah, I'm sure Wendi probably uses the same thing in her practice, right? Like, making a list of in keeping, you know, true to gratitude journals, or whatever. But a lot of times when I have clients who are really down and feeling hopeless, or whatever, like, we'll just start with recognizing one good thing that happened or one win that they had in their life, or one way that God showed up in my life today. And I love that when he brought up the season of our life, I have four really young kids. And it's actually really weird now to think that my oldest is 10. And my youngest is five. And so for a while there it was so chaotic, that the only thing I wanted was to be peaceful in the chaos. I wanted to myself be Zen and the chaos I want to learn next scriptures is this. 


Bonnie Randall  9:29  

But leading into that is this idea of well, in order to be peaceful, and to have that I need to needed to recognize God, and how he was showing up and how he was sustaining me through the day and sustaining me through that chaos. And so I started a journal every night I would just write one thing. That's how I started with one just one way that he showed up in my life. And that started the ball rolling. Eventually, I got to way more than that. And I started to develop a relationship with Him. And realized that during those chaotic moments, I could call out and say a prayer without having to hit my knees. I could just right there in the moment be like, Oh, I can't handle four kids screaming and crying. And two of them have special needs. So they're freaking out extra, just like, total chaos. And He would He would maybe come running, and he would send the angels and sometimes they were just spiritual angels. And sometimes they were literal people showing up at my door to help do it. But I love that you're saying, Tamra, do we have the eyes to see God? And are we recognizing Him showing up?


Tamara Anderson  11:01  

Yeah. Yeah. Wendi, any other thoughts on pure in heart seeing God or maybe even leading into feeling peace and being a peacemaker?


Wendi Christensen  11:12  

Um, you know, as Bonnie was just sharing that biggest thing that popped into my head, I jokingly tell people I'm a recovering or recovered perfectionist, with a lot of women can relate to that, where we just feel like we have to do it all perfectly, in order. It's almost like we feel like we have to do everything perfectly in order to feel worthy of love, now are worthy of being enough. And if I don't do at all, then I'm not at all, you know. And I think that when you look at that scripture, and thinking of gratitude, like Bonnie was just saying, and looking for the hat of God in our daily lives. I've learned over the years, and especially working with many, many people over the years who are perfectionists that God just cares that you bring a willing heart, and that you just are showing up and doing the best you can every day, like, I love that he's like, you bring what you have, and I will make it enough. And that's because of what Jesus Christ did for us. And then we get to sit back and just see how He does show up, like Bonnie was saying, to be able to see like, Oh, look at that beautiful sunrise today, I needed that. Or I needed that smile from that person today. Or I needed that hug from my kid today or my child today, that kind word and to just see it and recognize it, because he just needs us to show up and have a heart that's willing and ready. 


Wendi Christensen  12:44  

Because this life is hard. And He knows it's hard and that we're gonna have these difficult challenges and trials. And He just wants us to see where He shows up. So if we take a minute to look at the gratitude in our lives, I always have my clients and with three gratitude statements every single time. That's how we end every single session, because I want them to see the beautiful things in their lives, and how it almost helps raise us to a higher level as we look at that gratitude, and helps us to move forward and see His hand in our lives. It just gives us that added energy and strength that we need to get through every single day.


Tamara Anderson  13:24  

Yeah. Wow. That's so beautiful. The next verse is blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called the children of God. And I am so curious, we've kind of started dabbling into how once once you feel pure and hard and you've removed those things from yourself, that and you see God in your lives that you're more able to feel, walk, walk a peaceful walk. And it's interesting that when you walk a peaceful walk, you're called the children of God. So it kind of It feels like we're kind of progressing a little bit farther along this journey towards becoming more like Jesus Christ. Bonnie, any thoughts on being a peacemaker and becoming like a child of God or acting more like a child of God, I guess.


Bonnie Randall  14:20  

I have been waiting for this scripture. My mind as I was praying about it and pondering on what God wanted me to share, He opened my my eyes and oh my gosh, okay, we have a bit of a doozy to discuss. Peacemaker does not mean that we... Okay, let's talk about like peacemaker could mean right that we are ending conflicts and that we're trying to avoid confrontation and right like think about the white personality, the color personality right, whites, right? They avoid confrontation and all those things. But it doesn't necessarily mean that Christ didn't avoid confrontation. Hello? Like, how many debates did he get into like the Sadducees and the Pharisees and He was all about not not necessarily like He was confronting things. But He did it in a peaceful and loving and meek way, right? 


Bonnie Randall  15:23  

It goes back to the being meek, like being meek doesn't mean being a doormat, right? It means being strong, and yet gentle, and loving with our rebukes and standing in our truth and stuff. And so one of the things that we as Christians tend to forget is that Christ had boundaries, He set clear boundaries with his disciples, how many times did He go off and take a rejuvenation, you know, nap or 40 days for that stepping away to rejuvenate and you know, He would take He would go off by himself, right? He also held boundaries, and that He was clear about the rules and laws that He was there to, to give He overthrew the tables in the temple, right? Like He had boundaries. And so I would love to discuss, how do we find a happy balance, being a peacemaker, with holding firm to our boundaries in the Christ-like way and surprise, surprise, we just so happened to have a Christ-centered therapist in our group. So you know.


Tamara Anderson  14:50  

Wendi, join in.


Wendi Christensen  15:23  

I love how you set that up, that was so beautiful. And that's something I actually talk a lot about with people is how Christ had healthy boundaries. And a lot of people don't realize that He had self-care, He went and took care of himself when He needed to, you know, He even told people I love the story to have Mary and Martha when they're like, when Lazarus, their brother dies, and He wants them they want Him to come immediately. And He puts a boundary in place. And He says, I can't, I will come in two days, He didn't come immediately when exactly when they wanted Him to come. So you know, it's okay. For us. I always feel like it's okay for us to put those boundaries in place when we need to put boundaries in place. That it's, it's, there's nothing wrong with that. And like you said, Bonnie, and being able to do it in a peaceful way. 


Wendi Christensen  16:48  

A lot of times, you know, I have people come to me with a lot of trauma, or a lot of tragic things in their past or even currently that they're going through, maybe they're going through some abusive situations. That could be an abusive marriage or an abusive relationship, or they experienced that in their past. And sometimes it's hard. If you feel like you're following Christ. I at least I find this a lot. When people are following Christ, they feel like they do have to be that doormat that I just have to be kind and just let it happen or put up with it. And that's being a peacemaker, right, that I just have to do everything I can to keep the peace in my life. But I think as we truly stop and look at that Christ did have these healthy boundaries. It's righteous indignation. You know, when He threw the the people out at the temple, they were in a place they were almost desecrating. Well, they were desecrating this holy place. And He didn't, He wasn't gonna put up with that. And so it was a righteous indignation for Him to put an end to that.


Wendi Christensen  18:45  

 So sometimes, it's okay for us. If if things are not going, if they're not, right, it's okay for us to find our voice and even to seek our Savior in finding that voice to be able to stand up and have a hard conversation with somebody or a difficult conversation with someone and to be able to approach them. Now, one thing that I do is I like to teach steps to forgiveness. And this was something that I learned from a beautiful mentor of mine. His name was Dr. Graf, and he taught me these beautiful steps of forgiveness that let us I feel like it helps us to come at a place when we when we're talking or confronting or even dealing with something really hard. Somebody when somebody's hurt and offended us. That's just common we all go through hurts and offenses like every day right even this morning as I was getting up and getting ready. I was doing I needed to do some forgiving like even starting off my day because I had thoughts just come and you know, circle my mind and I'm like, Oh, I I can't be in this place for this podcast. I need to do some forgiving. Be in a place where I'm ready. So it has to do with when we're hurt and offended we feel this pain and either we're going to take it out on that person or get angry, get mad, get resentful. We see a lot of that in our society. 


Wendi Christensen  20:05  

Today, you turn on the news and any news story, you're gonna see how people are hurt and offended and acting out towards others or you opened up social media. And you'll see all these controversial comments or you couldn't, you can't do that. That's one way we deal with it. And the other way we deal with it as I think we stuffed it, right, we keep it all bottled up inside and we start hurting ourselves or we start it becomes an anxiety or maybe some depression or backache, or I can't get over that sickness, because of these hurts and offenses. 


Wendi Christensen  20:35  

And I think Jesus Christ taught us a better way. He taught us to forgive. He said, I will forgive whom, I will forgive. But of you it's, you must forgive everyone. Basically. It's basically just summarizing quickly. How do I do that? When I how do I be that peacemaker, when I feel like I'm being hurt and offended, and sometimes it's ourselves, right, that hurt, we hurt ourselves not intentionally, but carrying those guilt. And so it's important, I like to teach clients to verbalize their forgiveness, just like you utter prayer forgiveness, just to say it out loud. And Christ did such a good job of teaching us to pray out loud. 


Wendi Christensen  21:17  

And I think there's so much that as you're praying that you hear yourself, it's important to hear yourself, say certain things. Because you understand, it's this beautiful conversation between you and the Lord. I like to even forgive out loud. And it's still feels like a beautiful conversation between the Lord and I and it allows me to kind of separate and distance myself from the problem. So it takes it from instead of right in my face, where I really can't see anything else around it. It pulls it back far enough, as I forgive as I say, you know, I forgive, I forgive my child, or my husband, or my sister or my parent, whoever it is, and these complicated relationships sometimes that we have, as I forgive them, actually turn it over to Christ. 


Wendi Christensen  22:06  

And then he gives me the strength and the ability to then deal with it in a healthier way. So that I can be able to maybe have that hard or difficult conversation. But if I forgive him, and I've turned it over, if I say I forgive my husband for saying that, then I'm going to approach the situation in a different way. Instead of coming at him, like angry or yelling, or maybe I'm really passive, and I don't even approach him. I felt like it gives me the strength to come and say, you know, what, I really want to talk about this, or this is, this is something we need to change because sometimes it's cutting off a toxic relationship, right? Like you were talking about those, those boundaries. Sometimes we need to just cut off a toxic relationship and not even be in it. And that's being the peacemaker, because it's helping me to heal, to to pull back from something that is not in my eternal best interest. Or it's sometimes sometimes I don't say anything or do anything. But but as I, as I say it, the Lord will help me to know, do I step back? Do I jump in? Do I, what do I do in those boundaries, he helps me to be the peacemaker of my own life, as I realize that forgiving is really turning it over to Him. 


Wendi Christensen  23:24  

I'm taking it in my hands, and I'm giving it to Him and saying, Okay, now what do we do next? Do I just let it go? Or sometimes He'll say, No, you need to go. You need to cut off that relationship or you need to go have a conversation that might be hard and really difficult or it's okay, when you just let it go. Like you can just let it go and move on and I'll help you heal.


Tamara Anderson  23:46  

I love that. I think all this naturally you can also bring in the next following verses about being persecuted because often when we're persecuted, the same principle of pride applies a forgiveness, right? I'm just going to quickly read those and then we can have a discussion that wraps all these things together. It said "Blessed are they which are persecuted for righteousness sake for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Blessed are ye when men shall revile you and persecute you and say all manner of evil against you falsely for my sake. Rejoice and be exceeding glad for great is your reward and heaven for so persecuted they the prophets, which were before you." 


Tamara Anderson  24:28  

And I think what he's saying here is, if you follow me, you're not going to be the most popular person. Always because when I teach kind of goes against what, what's going on in the world, you know, and like you were saying, and so I think that principle of forgiveness applies, both in being a peacemaker, but also when you're persecuted, that you need to forgive and then figure out boundaries. So Bonnie, I'm gonna circle back to you, how does all this tie together in your mind and apply with what with what you were thinking as we began the conversation?


Bonnie Randall  25:12  

Well, like when do you I feel like a lot of my clients have wounds and they're learning how to forgive. And I feel like one of the biggest questions that they have and myself because all this started with me trying to learn how do I forgive this abuser? How do I let this go? Because literally, that seemed like the most foreign concept like I knew I needed to forgive, I knew it was a commandment. I knew that people would say, just give it to God give it to God. Like, what does that even mean? I can't wrap my head around, like, when you say just give it to God, like how, like, what, how, what is the how, what are the steps in doing that. And it finally all started coming together when I met this woman, Robin Johnson, who I ended up doing her coaching program through and, and she helped me, she helped me do this meditation where we literally visualized that the wound was an object, and she gave it to me give it a shape and give it a name and all this stuff. And, and I could visualize in my mind's eye this object, and then I then visualized the Savior's hands.


Bonnie Randall  26:31  

And I'm wrong. This was actually not Robin, this was Patricia Kelly, my ifs counselor, and she had me, but Robin does the same thing. Anyway, she had me visualize the Savior's hands. And she invited me when I was ready to give the object to Him. But I wasn't ready. And I was like, I can't, like something is holding me back. And then we explore. But what's holding me back what needs to happen? Before I can forgive? And I love how Wendi said, sometimes it's a conversation. Sometimes it's whatever, right? Like, there's different things that hold us back. But when we can discover what that is, we learn something. And we give that pain purpose. 


Bonnie Randall  27:24  

And we learn the lesson that we're supposed to learn from that challenge from that trial from that person, which is why Tiffany, Tiffany, right. Last time talked about how with that story, if you missed it, go back and listen to that to add episode because she talks about how her mom was her savior. That's what her our bishop, I think it was told her that her mom was her savior. And she never really explained that. But in my mind, I'm thinking she's saying that because that person the antagonist, right? The person who's wronged us, the person who's persecuted us, is giving us an opportunity to learn the lesson. And when we can learn what that lesson is, we give that pain purpose, and we're able to then have it be a refining moment. And we can then say, ah, I'm now ready to let it go, I can now give the object to the Savior and put it in His hands. 


Bonnie Randall  28:26  

And so for me, when I go through the process of repentance, or forgiveness, I literally visualize that's what works for me to go through that forgiveness process is visualizing handing over the burden. And I have had some of the most sacred and amazing experiences with my clients and with myself in going through that, that process. And it's been incredible, because I do feel like he says, where is it, the pure in heart shall see God right. Like I've had those experiences where I can visualize His hands and I literally see Him in my mind, and then reward great is your reward in heaven. 


Bonnie Randall  29:19  

What does that mean? For me? The great reward is that burden being lifted, and it being gone. And I can be more of a peacemaker and find that peace in that chaos that I've been seeking. When I let go of those spiritual burdens. And I don't let them be a monkey on my back right like I literally let them go. I am so much more peaceful. And I can show up in my life with my children, with my family with my friends. And in more Christ-like way because I'm not looking at things through the lens of hurt. And looking through the lens of shame, or whatever it is, I have a clearer view of life.


Tamara Anderson  30:15  

Love it. Wendi, we need to wrap it up. So final takeaways, thoughts and...


Wendi Christensen  30:21  

What was ended up on ,Bonnie, was so beautiful. And as you were saying that, it, you, you walk away healed. That's exactly what's happening is you walk away healed. And when you are healed, you're going to react and respond to the people around you very, very differently, you're going to come from a place of confidence. And where you feel worth, and you feel valued, and you feel enough. And when you're in that place of feeling all of those things, then you truly can show up as your best self.


Bonnie Randall  30:57  

And you can see others as crises. And when you can see yourself in that light, right and as your true self, and as healed and as a child of God, as He's calling us to be right children of God. When we can see ourselves that way. We can see other people, and we treat them better. And we do become like Christ. It's really kind of an amazing process that we get to experience when we use the atonement, and we use His healing. And we let Him refine us and we let Him heal us we, we automatically start to become like Him. It is a law of the universe. Going back to our very first episode, right? This is just when we do these things. The blessings come because that's, it's the law. It's the way it works. He's amazing.


Tamara Anderson  31:54  

Awesome. My final takeaway is, no matter where you have been in life, no matter how many burdens or wounds, you carry, that nothing, nothing, nothing, nothing you have been through is too big or too ugly, or too poisonous or too weighty for the Savior. He can help you and He can help you know the process, like Bonnie said, of handing it to Him. And just take it step by step. You may need to have a counselor help you with this. If it's too big or weighty, you're not meant to do everything on your own. So find a good counselor to help you through that process so that you can give that heavy burden to God and feel more peaceful and be able to walk more as a peaceable follower of Jesus Christ. Oh, guys, this has been such a good session this morning. Thanks for joining us. We hope that you have found something that has made a difference in your life, and that you will be able to feel God's love for you today.


Tamara Anderson  33:13  

 Thanks for tuning in to Bible Women and Bathrobes hosted by Women Warriors of Light. We've loved exploring the stories of remarkable women are the teachings of the Savior today with you. If today's episode brought someone special to mind, be sure to spread the word. And don't forget to hit that subscribe button so you never miss a moment of inspiration and sisterhood. Just a friendly reminder, all opinions we share are entirely personal as we are trying to decipher and apply Bible teachings just like you are. Until next time, stay faithful. And may Your journey be blessed and illuminated by God's love.


Transcribed by