Grateful for Dirty Dishes

gratitude Jan 23, 2015

My Dearest Lord,

Today, I want to express gratitude for the dirty dishes that clutter my sink. I know it sounds unusual, but bear with me. Instead of viewing this chore as a burden, I've chosen to see the beauty in it. Dirty dishes mean my family had something to eat this morning, and for that, I'm overflowing with thankfulness.

In a world where countless families go to bed hungry, not taking the next meal for granted is crucial. Parents sacrifice their own hunger to ensure their children are fed. It's a heart-wrenching reality that many face daily. So, today, Lord, I embrace my dirty dishes as a symbol of abundance, a sign that my loved ones have full bellies.

Your teachings remind us of the importance of gratitude. In Philippians 4:6 (KJV), we're told, "Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God." This verse highlights the significance of thanksgiving in our prayers, and I truly appreciate this lesson.

Thank you for the reminder, dear God. I'm grateful for the dirty dishes, for they signify nourishment, love, and your abundant blessings in our lives. I ask for the strength to always maintain a heart of gratitude and the wisdom to see your grace in the simplest of tasks.

With love and thankfulness,
