Finding Hope in Sadness: Stories and Encouragement

bipolar faith in christ inspiration mental health Jan 19, 2022

My Dearest Warriors of Joy in Christ,

As I sit down to pen this letter, I find myself overwhelmed by the sheer grace and beauty of our shared journey. In the warm embrace of faith, we find the strength to confront those days when a shadow of sadness descends upon our hearts. The truth is, my dear friends, none of us are immune to the occasional bout of melancholy.

Some days, sadness lingers within us, and it seems to have no rhyme or reason. Perhaps it's when our husbands are away, and the weight of single-parenting bears down on our shoulders. Or maybe it's those relentless fluctuations in our female hormones, playing havoc with our emotions.

At times, we are ensnared by sorrow due to the choices of others, or we grieve losses that have carved chasms in our hearts. The winds of change may carry an unsettling chill, and we may grapple with mental health challenges that cast dark clouds over our moods.

My sisters, let us remember this: No one is happy all the time. It's perfectly human to have days when the world seems a little less bright, and our hearts feel heavy.

But, can we be sad and hopeful simultaneously? The answer is a resounding "yes." When sadness knocks at our door, I make a conscious effort to hold onto hope. I remind myself of the countless times God has carried me through seasons of sorrow and distress. He was with me then, and He is with me now.

In the pages of our shared journey, there are stories that can help us when we feel stuck or when the blues threaten to consume us. Allow me to share a few of them, like a comforting hand on your shoulder:

1. Stuck in Life? Try This!
Last spring, while exploring the grandeur of Yosemite, my husband had to help our son, Jacob, descend from a towering 50-foot boulder. In that moment, I gleaned valuable life lessons that apply not only to physical circumstances but also to the times when our hearts feel ensnared. Listen or read more about this here: Stuck in Life? Try This!

2. Learning to Live with Bipolar Disorder
Consider the story of Julie, who battled depression even when life appeared good. It wasn't until her late twenties that she discovered she had a mental health issue. Through seeking help, she not only survived but learned to thrive. Listen to Julie's inspiring journey here, Julie L. Spencer: Learning to Live with Bipolar Disorder.

3. Easy Tips for Hard Times
In the midst of the pandemic's uncertainty, my dear friend Trina shared invaluable tips for those grappling with discouragement or depression. Her words offer a beacon of hope in challenging times. You can listen to her tips here, Trina Boice: Easy Tips for Hard Times.

My beloved sisters, whether you find yourself in the shadow of sadness or basking in the light of joy today, remember that these fluctuations are a part of the human experience. Embrace it! You are no different from anyone else.

I recall a poignant moment when I was teaching a group of youth many years ago. I shared with them that rainy days help us appreciate the sunny days so much more. One of the girls looked at me with newfound understanding and said, "You know, that is so true. I never thought about that before."

Such is the rhythm of life. When we traverse through the blue moments, it makes the sunshiny days, filled with laughter and joy, all the more precious.

Let us walk this path together, my dear Christian Women Warriors of Light, leaning on our unwavering faith, holding fast to hope, and supporting one another through the valleys and the mountaintops.

With love and boundless hope,


Ecclesiastes 3:4 (KJV): "A time to weep, and a time to laugh; a time to mourn, and a time to dance."

Psalm 34:18 (KJV): "The Lord is nigh unto them that are of a broken heart, and saveth such as be of a contrite spirit."