Emulating Mary the Mother of Jesus: Lessons in Faith & Humility

bible story bible women story christmas mary mother of jesus nothing impossible with god Dec 10, 2018

Dear Christian Women Warriors of Light,

I hope you're well and feeling the spirit of the holiday season. As I reflect on this time of year, I'm reminded of a cherished family tradition from my childhood – acting out the nativity story just before Christmas. With four sisters, we each took turns playing the role of Mary, and today, I want to share some of the remarkable qualities displayed by Mary that we can aspire to emulate in our own lives.

I draw much of this inspiration from the Gospel of Luke, specifically Luke chapter one. Let's delve into the story together.

In Luke 1:28, we read about the angel's visit to Mary, who was told, "Hail, thou that art highly favored, the Lord is with thee: Blessed art thou among women." Mary's initial reaction was one of trouble and confusion. Just like her, we often feel troubled when we face moments of change or uncertainty in our lives.

But in verse 30, the angel comforts her, saying, "Fear not, Mary: for thou hast found favor with God." Mary had found favor with the Almighty, and she was called to be the mother of the Son of God. This illustrates a profound truth – God takes ordinary people like us and invites us to do extraordinary things. Even if it's not what we envisioned for ourselves, embracing these moments of change can help us grow and become extraordinary.

In verse 34, Mary, seeking understanding, asked the angel, "How shall this be, seeing I know not a man?" Sometimes, it's essential to ask questions when we're uncertain about God's calling in our lives. We, too, can seek clarification and understanding by approaching Him with our questions.

Verse 36 mentions Elizabeth, Mary's cousin, who had conceived in her old age with a son named John the Baptist. The angel makes it clear in verse 37, "For with God, nothing shall be impossible." This is a powerful reminder that when we collaborate with God, the impossible becomes possible. Just as it happened for Mary and Elizabeth, we can experience the extraordinary in our lives.

Mary's response in verse 38 is remarkable: "Behold the handmaid of the Lord; be it unto me according to thy word." She humbly and willingly submitted to God's will, embarking on a journey she couldn't fully comprehend. Mary's profound faith is truly admirable, and she is celebrated for her faithfulness in becoming the mother of the Son of God.

But here's an important lesson – after the angel's visit, Mary might have felt alone and wondered if it was all a dream. Often, when God calls us to do something significant, we may experience similar moments of uncertainty. But the angel provided Mary with a key – he told her to visit Elizabeth. There, Elizabeth became a second witness to the divine calling on Mary's life, reinforcing the truth of what was happening. Sometimes, God sends us a second witness, be it a friend or someone else, to accompany us on our journeys.

As we enter this holiday season, let's remember the miracle of Jesus Christ's birth, the faithful women who surrounded Him, and the importance of being willing instruments in God's hands. Just as Mary and Elizabeth played vital roles in the Savior's ministry, we, too, have unique roles to fulfill.

My hope is that you'll find inspiration in Mary's example and the reminder that God takes ordinary people to do extraordinary things. In moments of doubt, remember to ask questions, submit to God's will, and seek the second witness He might provide. As we celebrate this season, I bear witness to Jesus Christ as the Son of God and invite you to share this message with anyone who could use some inspiration.

Wishing you a blessed and joyful holiday season,

Tamara K. Anderson