Child of God: Embracing Divine Worth

child of god self-worth Sep 30, 2015

Dear Sisters in Christ,

One of life’s great questions, 'Who am I?' is answered simply, "I am a child of God," (Romans 8:16). Embrace your divine worth and treat others with respect.

The concept of being a child of God holds immense power, granting profound self-worth and value to every individual. If we all recognized this truth first and foremost, it could transform our interactions and relationships. As we sing the cherished hymn 'I Am a Child of God,' we affirm our heavenly lineage and eternal potential. This knowledge serves as a potent antidote to despair, enabling us to make righteous choices and tap into our inherent greatness. Let us commit today to remember and live as the children of God that we are.

Max Lucado, a prominent Christian author and pastor:

"God loves the nobodies. That’s who He uses. Because He makes somebodies out of nobodies."

This quote emphasizes that God's love and grace transform us into His children, regardless of our past or worldly status. It beautifully echoes the concept of divine worth and being children of God.

As Christian women warriors of light, let's remember who we are, knowing that we are God's children. Today, let our actions reflect this truth. Embrace your divine worth and be a beacon of God's love and respect to everyone you encounter.

With confidence and divine worth,

Tamara K. Anderson